Good Stallions Make Great Geldings

Originally published March 2013

‘When in doubt, geld him’.

I am not an elitist, but seriously, the world has plenty enough stallions readily at hand.  Yours, unless supremely exquisite or of the rarest genetics that the world cannot live without, would make a very nice gelding. 

This, coming from a person who becomes practically giddy when I learn of a new German Riding pony stallion available in the USA.  But over the last several years, the more I learn, the more I realize that we (as Americans) are not disciplined enough in deciding when to geld.  In fact, there are stallions I’ve seen and met in person for whom I would strongly recommend a good, solid geld.  Of course I didn’t say this to the owner, but nevertheless, a lens of objectivity needs to be applied.


That is where I believe the Germans (and Dutch) currently and will likely always have the advantage.  Their well-established system of inspections, rating and annual competitions keep their breeders consistently improving…which also means removing some genetics from the pool, thereby continuing to sharpen the focus on the ‘desired’ result.  As subjective as that is. 

Will Americans ever get there?  On the Warmblood side of things, I believe we’re well on our way.  But with a breed that is emerging in popularity (American Dressage pony) a small registry in a very large geography, my inclination is no….at least, not for many more years. 

So until then, keep a keen watch  for those stallions that ought to be geldings….I think you’ll know them when you see them.  It helps to keep a visual in your mind’s eye of what ‘good’ looks like.