Katie and RPSI Approval

Originally Posted 06/23/2017

September, 2016 Watertown, MN.

As a foal, Katie {Ridley x MKK Worth the Wait) was registered with ISR/Oldenburg NA however, we really liked the experience with we had with RPSI and Seamus not to mention the direct connection to the German books. So when her 3 year old year rolled around, the entire team discussed and decided where to present Katie for approval as a breeding mare.  It took little time and the decision was clear - RPSI.

Thankfully, inspections were significantly closer than the previous year; less than 30 minutes from our training farm! We were able to bathe her the night before, braid her that morning, make the short trailer ride and get her settled in her stall at the inspection site well before we began.

When it was our turn, Katie was first walked in hand on the triangle, then trotted. Next, the reins were removed from her bridle and she moved about the arena of her own accord. She started with her nose on the ground, sniffing as she trotted around, then decided to canter a bit. She really didn't know what she was doing as she kept coming back to the people in the ring, and had to be shoo'd away a few times! With some decent trot and good canter work, she was recaptured (no effort needed there) and the breeding director, Otto, finalized her scores and read them aloud.

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Otto's comments came fast and furious but in summation included: Good size and frame, solid in bone, good saddle position, good reach in walk, uphill trot with reach in front and the hind end catching up nicely, good looking mare who qualifies for the mare book. She measured in at 148 cm or 14.2 1/4" and her overall score was 7.1. She scored mostly 7's with an 8 for her trot and a 7.5 for her overall impression and development.  We were so proud! Not bad for our first attempt at a dressage pony.

Now that she is entered into the mare book, we will be considering which stallion to breed her to. We will share out our decision when it's made.  Until then, stay tuned for more updates from the team at Connaught Green Farms!

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